Free Reading

                      A Matter of Timing

Sherlock Holmes tackles an usual case where stolen goods are recovered before they're actually stolen, from the prestigious Royal Mint. Can he piece together the clues and deduce the events fast enough to catch those responsible?

                   Realm of the Drowned

Take a journey back to Ancient Egypt and the time of Seti, the great Pharaoh, during his darkest hour. The dark power of the evil god Apep is released and all of Egypt is left in ruins. Can the dark god be defeated and light and life returned?

                 The Fairy and the Princess

Beneath a peaceful land, a destructive power stirs. The humans feast unaware with only the fairies able to sense the impending disaster. And what do the fairies care of the safety of man, after being hunted by them, and driven back deep into the sanctuary of the forest? But when a fairy is rescued by a human princess, a new hope is born.

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